When it comes to app developers and user data reports, marketers usually look to the go-to giants of the social realm: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The findings these platforms share with the world are incredibly helpful when formulating strategies and gaining insights into what’s trending among users. But some incredibly interesting findings emerged from what may be an unexpected source: Snapchat.
4 min read
How Snapchat’s User Research Impacts Video Trends
By Creative Team on 3/31/21 9:00 AM
5 min read
How Instagram’s 2021 Updates Impact Your Social Media Strategy
By Creative Team on 3/17/21 9:00 AM
Ah, Instagram. It feels like the moment you finally understand all the features and algorithm complexities, updates emerge. Digital marketing best practices and social media platforms are like living organisms, changing and evolving, and influencing the way content reaches your audience.
4 min read
Kick off the New Year on the Right Social Media Footing
By Creative Team on 1/28/21 9:00 AM
We are more than ready to kick 2020 to the curb and start fresh. While keeping New Year’s resolutions may seem a little difficult right now, there is something motivating and invigorating about approaching this year with a fresh perspective and plans for success. When it comes to digital marketing, a great place to start is your social media, and specifically, your social media strategy.
5 min read
Launching a Paid Search Campaign? Here's How to Start
By Jennifer Pellerito on 8/14/20 8:30 AM
You’ve likely heard of paid search or may already be familiar with it by now. Many businesses may have waited to add paid search to their marketing strategy before, viewing it as an option that could come later. But with people spending most of their time at home and online—consuming media, researching, browsing and shopping—, well, paid search is now a must.
3 min read
Top Video Marketing Trends for 2020
By Sara Whitford on 1/28/20 2:49 PM
It's the beginning of a new year, which means out with the old and in with the new. But when it comes to video marketing in 2020, the forecast calls for the revamping of tried-and-true strategies and a healthy dose of innovation.