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4 min read

Trifactor's Music Video with Reggae Star Causion and Elite Island Resorts Promotes Travel to the Caribbean

By Ale Bossio on 11/30/23 11:38 AM


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5 min read

Launching a Paid Search Campaign? Here's How to Start

By Jennifer Pellerito on 8/14/20 8:30 AM

You’ve likely heard of paid search or may already be familiar with it by now. Many businesses may have waited to add paid search to their marketing strategy before, viewing it as an option that could come later. But with people spending most of their time at home and online—consuming media, researching, browsing and shopping—, well, paid search is now a must.

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4 min read

Branding Versus Marketing and How They Work Together

By Jenna Kopec on 4/2/20 7:39 PM

Whether you’re getting quotes from different digital marketing agencies or you’re reading marketing publications, you’re likely hearing the words “branding” and “marketing” thrown together a lot.

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4 min read

How Can Digital PR Improve Your Marketing Efforts

By Sara Whitford on 3/5/20 8:00 AM

When it comes to promoting your business and staying competitive, digital PR is an essential strategy in every marketing director's toolkit. Understanding all the different elements of digital PR and how it differs from traditional public relations will help you develop an efficient and effective marketing strategy that gets you real results. 

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3 min read

Five Ways Video Can Increase Website Traffic

By Sofia Galiano on 2/4/20 3:48 PM

Businesses today, no matter the product or service they sell, have essentially become e-commerce. Buying and selling products over the Internet is increasingly commonplace and the need to be seen online has ramped up marketing competition like never before.

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