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5 min read

How Instagram’s 2021 Updates Impact Your Social Media Strategy

By Creative Team on 3/17/21 9:00 AM

Ah, Instagram. It feels like the moment you finally understand all the features and algorithm complexities, updates emerge. Digital marketing best practices and social media platforms are like living organisms, changing and evolving, and influencing the way content reaches your audience.

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4 min read

3 Ways Video Content Saves You Money

By Creative Team on 2/25/21 2:55 PM

How can a video-centric approach to content save you money? Incorporating video can drive sales, streamline internal operations, and capture online attention.

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4 min read

How User Experience Creates Roadblocks in the Buying Process

By Creative Team on 2/12/21 9:00 AM

In the world of e-commerce, the buying process can be complicated and tricky. In the digital age, there are so many steps from a customer’s initial discovery of a product, to the final checkout, and a thousand experiences along the way that can influence their decision to purchase.

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4 min read

Kick off the New Year on the Right Social Media Footing

By Creative Team on 1/28/21 9:00 AM

We are more than ready to kick 2020 to the curb and start fresh. While keeping New Year’s resolutions may seem a little difficult right now, there is something motivating and invigorating about approaching this year with a fresh perspective and plans for success. When it comes to digital marketing, a great place to start is your social media, and specifically, your social media strategy. 

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6 min read

5 Lessons All Businesses Should Learn From 2020

By Creative Team on 12/22/20 8:00 AM

2020 was probably the most tumultuous year of our lifetime. We saw unprecedented changes and challenges throughout the world. Globally, our families, jobs, and futures were all put on hold or changed dramatically. For a while, it felt like we were stuck in a rut, waiting for this all to end and get back to business as usual. But there came a turning point where the time to wait was over, and the time to create began. What we once viewed as a great pause, a hurdle to overcome, was also full of opportunities. 

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