There are tons of reasons why companies should implement video into their marketing and sales strategies. For one, they can leverage video marketing to build stronger connections with prospects. Doing so requires a specific catalog of videos at different stages of the marketing and sales funnel, and of course, the creation of some pretty impressive visuals.
9 min read
Build Stronger Connections with Prospects Through Video Marketing
By Claudine Baugh on 2/22/23 10:30 AM
4 min read
How User Experience Creates Roadblocks in the Buying Process
By Creative Team on 2/12/21 9:00 AM
In the world of e-commerce, the buying process can be complicated and tricky. In the digital age, there are so many steps from a customer’s initial discovery of a product, to the final checkout, and a thousand experiences along the way that can influence their decision to purchase.
5 min read
3 Ways a Video-Centric Strategy Makes Your Business Customer-Centric
By Creative Team on 9/2/20 8:00 AM
It’s 3 a.m. You’re asleep, but some of your customers are wide awake. They have questions, and they’re searching your website for answers. Scrolling through pages of text or having to wait to speak with you during your business hours could be an inconvenience when time is of the essence. Unlike many segments of your business, your company’s customer experience isn’t limited to set hours of operation. It’s ongoing and delivered to customers each time they interact with your brand. This includes visiting your website and social media pages—two of the most important customer touchpoints in today’s digital economy.
5 min read
Ways to Get to Know your Customer in the Digital Era
By Jakob Muller on 6/12/20 3:30 PM
No successful business owner has ever said “I wish I knew less about my customers”, when customers are the lifeblood of any business. Despite the challenges of this social distancing era, there are a myriad of ways to understand and connect with current and potential clients in ways that can help your business grow.
3 min read
Why Your Company Should Be Using the Flywheel
By Sara Whitford on 2/25/20 11:16 AM
If you're a marketer, you probably rely on a well-designed sales funnel, which is great and still applicable to digital marketing. But today, many companies are shifting gears and moving towards a flywheel model for a simple reason...